Model Lizzi Miller created a stir in the fashion world after she appeared nude except for a thong in the September issue of Glamour magazine. Glamour--and other women's fashion magazines--typically feature thin, unrealistically-shaped supermodels. But Miller, at 180 lbs., posed nude for the issue, complete with "stomach pooch." Readers immediately began flooding Glamour with positive responses for showing a "typical" American woman. Web sites such as Facebook, MSN and Jezebel.com joined the discussion. Glamour editor Cindi Leive told Matt Lauer on the Today show,"It's a sign of the times that women are really looking for a little bit more authenticity and little bit less artifice in every part of their lives."
The article goes on and says: "“Immediately, within hours of the magazine coming out, we had people telling us they were e-mailing it to friends, and that it was the first time they felt good about their own bodies, looking at this picture,” Leive told Lauer.
The article goes on and says: "“Immediately, within hours of the magazine coming out, we had people telling us they were e-mailing it to friends, and that it was the first time they felt good about their own bodies, looking at this picture,” Leive told Lauer.
One reader wrote to Glamour saying, “Get this hot momma off of page 194 and put her on the cover!”Another reader said, “Thank you for showing a picture of a BEAUTIFUL woman who has a stomach and thighs that look like mine! I have NEVER seen that in a magazine before.”
Yet another said, “This woman rocks and we need more women like her to make a mark on what the real woman looks like.” Glamour editor Cindi Leive said positive reaction to the photo of Lizzi Miller may change the magazine’s approach. Miller admitted the reader responses brought tears to her eyes. The sun-kissed California girl spreads her weight over a tall, 5-foot-11 frame, and while her varying size 12 to 14 body is in keeping with the average American woman’s, she competes in a modeling industry in which any size over 6 is considered “plus size.” To read the whole article follow this link.
The concept of body image and self acceptance is one of our core values at Living Waters Spa. Each week women and men come to our clothing optional spa (you don't have to be a "nudist") and experience the freedom of clothes-free vacationing. You see all, and realize that our society has truly warped our sense of body acceptance.
Living Water Spa is a safe environment where you can luxuriate in our pure mineral water pools, experience our magical massage - even a couples massage - and enjoy the elements in the "alltogether." We are not a party place. We are not a swingers / public sex club. We are the REAL deal, a true spa in every sense of the word. Come and be "in your skin" for a day, a week or more... Read more here. By the way, on our website we have pictures of REAL people, not models as found on other websites.
We are located in the Palm Springs area city of Desert Hot Springs - California's Spa City! We have wonderful sunshine 340 days a year!!!