Starbucks has decided to remove its heritage logo on cups introducing the new Pike Place Roast. When the blend debuted in April, controversy erupted over the brown heritage logo on the cups featuring a topless mermaid with only a few strands of hair covering her breasts. The original logo, created in 1971, was intended to capture the seafaring tradition of early coffee traders and is based on a sixteenth-century Norse woodcut of a two-tailed mermaid. Starbucks denies that returning to the standard green logo is in response to the recent boycott by some conservative groups. The brown logo will remain only on Pike Place Roast packaging. Read more or vote whether ornot you think the topless mermaid logo is too racy at Starbucks.
Here at Living Waters Spa we serve
Starbucks coffee each morning. I personally grind the beans and enjoy a great brew... and you can enjoy my coffee topless without fear!

It is often silly how companies bend to cultural pressure.