One of the great challenges in life is to get the money you need to do the things you want...
Judy and I realized that the price point of our spa was beyond the means of many 20 somethings. We regularly have folks from 18 to 80 and in discussions with the younger folks we learned that they had spend many weeks saving (or using their already maxed credit card) to come to Living Waters Spa.
After doing some analysis (which I love), we realized that we needed to do a "reverse" senior discount... So the concept of our "Next Generation" discount was born. We give a very serious (you'll have to call us to learn how much!) discount on our room rates if the person / couple is 29 and under.
Needless to say it has been a real hit with our guests who fit that age group.
Heck I remember when we were in that age bracket (...way back in the day) and we hardly had any money to go to McDonalds, let alone a wonderful spa like Living Waters.
If we expect our clothing optional philosophy to grow in America, we who own such spas, hotels, nudist clubs and resorts, etc. need to step up and help the next generation to experience the joy of "clothes free" experiences. We are seeing that by offering a substantial discount we are able to introduce this next generation to the ol' fashion "skinny-dipping."
The Living Waters Spa experience is about our passion to share the joys of simple nudity with others.
Give us a call if you are 29 or less and we'll help you have the Living Waters Spa experience. 760-329-9988.