A portrait of a breast cancer survivor banned from an art show in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area created a debate over censorship vs. interpretation. Artist Rhon Drinkwater used a woman who had a mastectomy as a model for the painting. Gallery officials took down the painting, saying it was not family friendly and there was an "unwrittenrule" regarding hanging "G-rated" work appropriate for all ages. Drinkwater says that considering the statistics about breast cancer and how it affects family membersof all ages, it is appropriate for everyone. She hopes her painting generates discussion about breast cancer, beauty and its interpretation and censorship. A poll on theWFAA TV website out of Dallas/Fort Worth showed that the majority of respondents disagreed with the gallery's decision. Read more [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=7w4i84bab.0.f478aacab.pvrzw8bab.255&ts=S0254&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wfaa.com%2Fsharedcontent%2Fdws%2Fwfaa%2Flatestnews%2Fstories%2Fwfaa070502_wz_cancerart.2e129bf9.html], take the poll and view results.
Judy is also a breast cancer survivor. Back in 1992 she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 38. She had our 4 children young, breast feed them all, did not smoke, and has no history of BC in her family, etc. etc. In other words she would have scored a ZERO on the probability test of whether or not she was a cancer risk -- but she got it.
Here at Living Waters Spa we have had many "heros" of Breast Cancer. Some women choose to have reconstruction while others choose to have none. Regardless, all are beautiful and ALIVE.
Sadly, the art gallary which banned Rhon Drinkwater's picture is perpetuating our culture's sexualizing of the breast by hiding it from being seen.