Thursday, April 19, 2007

Remove a Nude Sculpture - What is with our culture!

Here is the situation: A controversial nude sculpture was removed from a roundabout sculpture park in Loveland,Colorado. Residents were concerned about children viewing the sculpture that depicts two women and one man. Artist Kristin Kokkin wanted the sculpture to be "kind of a wheel so that the energy is flowing from all three of them and it really and truly is how humanity relies on support of people." According to Jim Baldwin, of the Loveland Visual Arts Commission, there has been controversy about every nude that has beenpart of the collection. A poll on revealed that 71% of respondentsfelt the statue should not be removed.The 1,200 lb. bronze was moved in a flatbeadtruck across town at a cost of about $8,000. Read the story and watch the video. []

What is with our culture!!! If you watch the video there is a young mother who says: "We drive by here every day and I do not want my children to see the nude statue..." Yet I'm sure this mom lets her kids watch "sponge Bob square pants" where cartoon violence, junior high flatulence, and other silliness abounds. Parents allow kids to see such cartoon antics but simple nudity should be banned... I don't get it!

One thing we've noticed at Living Waters Spa is the mental health that simple nudity brings. Most of us in America have been raised by parents like that mom. All the while the media bombards us with sexuality via provocative dress and actions. Normal human bodies are not seen naked. Consequently as we age we develop a negative mental image of our bodies and are frequently ashamed of them. As people come to Living Waters Spa and experience the "joys of skinny-dipping" they at once realize that other people are just like them and their self image is restored.

Give us a call when you are ready to have "more than a vacation" here at Living Waters Spa.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Interesting deveopments in NUDITY in the NEWS

More magazine has covered a variety of topics that deal with the positive aspects of nudity. The April issue features a cover story titled "6 Naked Women Who Love Their Bodies." Photographer Rachel Olson wanted to find out why it takes so long to find our inner beauty without judging ourselves and others by appearances.

Vaseline has entered the nude marketing arena with advertisements for its new Intensive Rescue product line. The ad,Vaseline Sea, is called a celebration of the human skin and features naked men and women enjoying the outdoors.

The Guadalajara Reportersays that nudist and topless beaches are taking off in Mexico. Mexico's nudist tourism niche comprises more than 15 million people each spending $2,000-$6,000 on a week's vacation. U.S. tourists make up 70% of the naturist market in Mexico, followed by Canadians.

Media Images Affect Women's Body Image--But Not Men's

A recent UK poll found that a third of women respondents have such poor body image they think they are too overweight to ever appear naked even in front of their partners. The survey, published in The Daily Telegraph, concluded that "images of stick-thin models and digitally slimmed celebrities are convincing a generation of women to keep their clothes on at all times." Men do not seem to be as affected by media images--two-thirds of those polled said they regularly walk around the house nude. Although 46 percent of the female respondents said they like to do the same, a third of them would never do so when their partner or anyone else could see them.

Each week (if not daily) here at Living Waters Spa people have an "epiphany" about their self image. To see others of all ages, sizes and shapes naked helps undo the brainwashing that the media has done.

Come and experience "more than a vacation" at Living Waters Spa - #1 rated on

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